iuVCR >> Download

Trial version download
Last official version of iuVCR:
(Oct, 15 2007)
EXE file (
~1.6 megabytes
) download
ZIP file (
~1.6 megabytes
) download
Some related links and files:
For DirectShow developers and advanced users: Advanced Graph Manager by Vladimir Filippov
Make your Movie Catalog today!
VH Screen Capture Driver for DirectShow-based video recording software.
ASF Direct Writer for iuVCR and other projects by Vladimir Filippov.
SolveigMM AVI Trimmer is a free video editor to allow you to AVI movie cut
extremely fast and lossless.
SolveigMM Video Splitter being AVI Splitter, WMV/ASF Splitter is the really powerful video editor to perform video cutting tasks like a movie cut, cut commercials or video repair extremely fast and lossless.
WebShifter. It is a web based scheduler for video recording software.
Audio card quartz stability test